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Singapore Climate

Singapore is located two degrees north of the equator and thus it enjoys a tropical climate. Singapore climate is characterized by uniform temperatures, high humidity and numerous sunshiny days. Climate in Singapore is remarkable stable. The daily temperature and humidity are high, with a maximum of 31°C and a relative humidity of 70 to 80 percent in the afternoon. Singapore climate sees rainfalls throughout the year, but is heaviest during the early northeast monsoon from November through January. The intermonsoon months of April-May and October witness thunderstorms and violent line squalls locally known as Sumatras. The country is free from earthquakes and typhoons, and the only greatest natural hazard is the local flash flooding.

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Singapore climate being tropical is like heaven-sent for those who are sun babies. The island is warm and humid all year round, with just small differences between the average maximum and minimum temperatures. This makes it ideal for those who enjoy sunbathing, swimming, sailing and other water sports. But for those who do not enjoy the tropical climate, Singapore provides with air-conditioning in almost all of its shops, hotels, office buildings and restaurants.

The climate in Singapore has rain falls which occur throughout the year, with more consistent rain coming during the monsoon season from November to January. Showers are usually sudden and heavy, but also brief and refreshing. Rainstorms are usually short but heavy, but it is advisable to take an umbrella. Singapore climate witnesses very high humidity. It is advised to always carry a water bottle and keep taking fluids often. For the required clothing very thin trousers or shorts and a light-top are advisable.

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